Creative Mastery: Double Your Quality

Hal · March 9, 2021
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • Course Certificate

Ratings and Reviews

Avg. Rating
8 Ratings
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Firdaus Bilimoria
Posted 4 months ago
Lesson 3 is a great way to understand character complexity and build a character arc

see headline

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Michael Jones
Posted 9 months ago
Improve Your Writing!

A tremendous help. This course gets you thinking about character traits and subtext while expressing them using various techniques to improve the quality of your scene, and more importantly, your writing. It takes some effort to reach the end, but doing so will help solidify the concepts so you can practice them in your writing ever after. Wonderful course. Valuable insight from other students.

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Rick Whitney
Posted 12 months ago
Advanced Next level skills

My writing seemed to be stuck in "good" mode before I took this class. I have learned new skills that will push me beyond my "good" level to GREAT. This has shown me how to develop dynamic characters and apply them to the dialog and actions. It has taught me how each scene is an integral part of the story by understanding the essence of each one.

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Roger Tribble
Posted 1 year ago
Creative ways to write successful screen plays

The course is quite challenging -- however the quality of the "teaching" is a delightfully great.

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Leah Gunderson
Posted 1 year ago
Best Screenwriting Classes

ScreenwritingU offers courses to teaches processes for each writing skills and component needed to create great movie scripts.

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Brian Walsh
Posted 1 year ago
Enhances depth of story and characters

The Creative Mastery Class enriches the storyworld and characters of your screenplay by unearthing the essence of each scene. It teaches the writer to understand and exploit the essence of a character and the essence of each scene to maximize impact.

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Audrey Gomes
Posted 1 year ago
The wealth of knowledge you had no idea that you didn't know!

This course has been challenging, forcing me as a writer to stretch creatively. I absolutely loved the insight I've gained. But most importantly, while the course had time constraints on assignments, it did allow me to work at my current pace. While the members feedback is important, the rigor for me was to complete the assignment, even if I missed the deadline. The joy was to Post It.

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Bill Southwell
Posted 1 year ago
A Wealth of Knowledge and Insight

My abilities to write screenplays has grown from almost zero to what it is now. Character traits and interest techniques are worthwhile targets.

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